~ FOR MOM ~ Giovanni Cucullo

Writing Ricette di Maria has been a challenging, gratifying & extraordinary experience. I cannot think of a more tangible tribute to the beauty & love that poured from my mother’s hands than a cookbook dedicated to her simple, yet exquisite cooking.

Some of the recipes have been reproduced as close as possible to mom’s original, while others are recipes that combine many of the things she taught me blended with the styles, ideas and cuisines I have been lucky enough to be exposed to while cooking and traveling; but ultimately, they are all Maria’s Recipes!

          My mother would be proud to know that I have held close to my heart the traditions of our Italian Heritage, but I also know that she would be excited, as she always was, about my eagerness to experiment and push the envelope a bit.

          I truly hope this book makes cooking an enjoyable and educating process; and I hope it makes mommy smile.

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The Golden Table 

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Giovanni Cucullo


  1. Giovanni, you pay a nice tribute to your mother and our Italian heritage. I was fortunate to have a mother and grandmother whose culinary skills were wonderful. At one point in her life, in all her wisdom, my mother told me that if I wanted to continue enjoying her cooking, I should learn her recipes since she would not be here forever. When I make those recipes for friends and family, they are always impressed and realize how fortunate I was. I, like you, am always open to new ideas and recipes. Italy, though a small country in area, has such a diverse and popular cuisine.

    1. Anthony,
      Yes! We share a beautiful culture.
      Its important to get those recipes down on paper or onto a computer. Cherish and share those memories and recipes forever. Its one of the best ways for a mother to live on.
      Thank you for the kind words.


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